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Video message from Antonia Maria De Meo, Director of UNICRI on the occasion of the United Nations Day

Turin, Italy -


"Today we celebrate the 76th Anniversary of the United Nations with a renewed call for climate action.  All around the world we are touched by extreme weather events, at the same time the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic is undermining responses to climate disasters and thwarting efforts to build community resilience. 

We have shared responsibility to save our planet and to protect future generations, which is why the Secretary-General has called for “much bolder climate action”.

At UNICRI we fight environmental crimes through research, awareness raising, and capacity-building.  Make no mistake:  Environmental crimes are a major threat to our planet:  they threaten biodiversity, cause illness and death, and undermine development.  UNICRI assists law enforcement to investigate and prosecute environmental crimes, as well as counterfeiting of food and health care products.  

At UNICRI, we are also proud to lend our deep expertise in criminal justice, crime prevention, and security to mitigate risks associated with chemical, biological, radiological, and nuclear materials.  CBRN hazards cannot be contained within the boundaries of a single country, as COVID-19 reminds us in the sphere of biological risks.  This is why we must come together to recover before it is too late.

As the Secretary-General reminds us, “We are all part of the solution.”  Let’s work together to mitigate and adapt to climate disruptions so we can live on a healthy, safe, and resilient planet.  The time for climate action and climate justice is now. 

Thank you and Happy UN Day from UNICRI."