Master of Laws (LL.M.) in Transnational Crime and Justice 17 November 2025 – 26 June 2026 (Deadline for application: 1 August 2025)

The Master of Laws (LL.M.) in Transnational Crime and Justice, jointly organized by the United Nations Interregional Crime and Justice Research Institute (UNICRI) and by the University for Peace (UPEACE), is designed for professionals and university graduates wishing to specialize in the fields of international law dimensions of peace and conflicts, transnational crimes and transitional justice, humanitarian law, international criminal law and procedure, and international human rights law.
Depending on each student’s background and interest, the programme is functional for careers in the legal and political sectors both at a national and international level as well in further academic studies.
Through a combination of lectures, seminars and practical exercises selected students will acquire:
- in-depth knowledge on the theoretical and practical aspects related to the investigation and adjudication of international crimes and human rights violations;
- overall comprehension of the functioning of international criminal tribunals, special and hybrid courts and their legacy to national courts;
- familiarity with the principle of rule of law and thorough understanding of the interdisciplinary processes and mechanisms related to transitional justice and justice reform in post-conflict situations and countries in transitions;
- unique insights into the policies and tools of the United Nations, other international organizations as well as national bodies for the prevention, investigation, control and punishment of transnational organized crime and transnational crimes, including corruption, trafficking in persons, smuggling of migrants, environmental crimes, terrorism, and cybercrime.
The academic curriculum of the Master programme is divided into two phases:
- Distance-learning Phase: 17 November 2025 – 9 January 2026
- Residential Phase: 28 January 2026 – 26 June 2026
The Graduation Project, at the end of the residential phase, will consist in a Moot Court simulation that will help students to refine their skills in written and oral courtroom advocacy on selected matters of substantive international criminal law.
The Graduation Ceremony will take place on 10 July 2026.
Upon successful completion of the course, students will be awarded an LL.M. degree officially issued by the University for Peace.
The residential phase of the programme is held in the unparalleled setting of the United Nations Campus in Turin, Italy. The Campus is located on 10 hectares of riverside parkland and hosts other national and international organizations such as the ITC-ILO and UNSSC. Under regular circumstances, it annually runs more than 450 programmes and projects involving approximately 11,000 people from over 180 countries, also offering to its guests’ leisure, dining, and sports facilities.
Below is a brief description of the Organizers:
UNICRI is one of the main training and research institutes of the UN System. It was established in 1968 and is mandated to support countries worldwide in preventing crime and promoting criminal justice. Over the years the Institute has developed a sound expertise in research and training, which is reflected in the organization of several capacity-building activities and specialized postgraduate courses.
UPEACE headquartered in Costa Rica, is a Treaty Organization established in 1980 through an International Agreement approved by the United Nations General Assembly in Resolution 35/55, and has the mandate “to provide humanity with an international institution of higher education for peace and with the aim of promoting among all human beings the spirit of understanding, tolerance and peaceful coexistence, to stimulate cooperation among peoples and to help lessen obstacles and threats to world peace and progress, in keeping with the noble aspirations proclaimed in the Charter of the United Nations”. By virtue of the mandate granted to it by Article 15 of the Charter of the University for Peace, annexed to the International Agreement Establishing the University for Peace, UPEACE conducts master’s and Doctorate Degree programmes in fields that promote peace and security.
Please download the Application Form for the LL.M. 2025 – 2026 below:
Deadlines – 2025/2026
The selection is carried out on a rolling basis; applicants will be notified of the results of the selection process via e-mail within 7 working days of the submission of their application. Please note that, if you are offered a place, you will have 3 days to accept the offer (from the date of the confirmation email), and after that, you will have 10 days to complete the payment. Applicants who are not selected after the first review are placed on a waiting list. Wait-listed applicants will be informed of the final outcome of the selection starting from 8 September. If selected, applicants will be given 2 days to accept the offer (from the date of the confirmation email) and 5 days to complete the payment. In light of the above, we strongly advise students to plan for the payment of the fees already at the time of the application. These deadlines cannot be postponed and payment in multiple instalments is not allowed. LL.M. Office ContactsE-mail: (+39) 011 6537 111 Postal address |
Structure and Content
The LL.M. is characterized by an interdisciplinary academic strategy that integrates theory and practice, favours active exchange of ideas, and furthers the comparative and critical thinking skills of the students.
The academic curriculum of the programme unfolds in two phases:
During the Distance-learning Phase (17 November 2025 – 9 January 2026), students will have access to the online platform of the LL.M. Programme, on which, in addition to self-study, they will have to attend webinars, carry out group projects and other interactive activities with the support of a tutor. At the end of this phase, an exam is foreseen.
The Residential Phase (28 January 2026 – 26 June 2026) comprises theoretical lectures, seminars and practical exercises including workshops, simulations, study visits, moot courts and other activities led by prominent subject-matter experts and scholars and organized in cooperation with international organizations, NGOs, research institutions and entities belonging to the UN System. The international group of selected students will be attending classes both in the morning and in the afternoon (full-time commitment for 6 class hours a day/4-5 days a week) at the UN Campus. Attendance is compulsory in order to be awarded the degree.
The Graduation Project, at the end of the residential phase, will consist of a Moot Court simulation that will help students refine their skills in written and oral courtroom advocacy on selected matters of substantive international criminal law. The Graduation will take place on 10 July 2026.
Upon successful completion of the course, students will have acquired in-depth and up-to-date knowledge on the main subjects around which the global debate on international and transnational crime and justice articulates:
- International Law Dimensions of Peace and Conflicts, including transitional justice and peacekeeping operations;
- Transnational organized crime and transnational crimes, including corruption, trafficking in persons, smuggling of migrants, environmental crime, terrorism, and cybercrime;
- Global efforts to strengthen the rule of law and justice reform in developing democracies and post-conflict environments, including corrections;
- International Humanitarian Law;
- International Criminal Law and International Criminal Procedure;
- International Human Rights Law;
- Public International Law;
- Criminal Law and Procedure in a Comparative Perspective.
The programme further envisages dedicated sessions on career guidance and professional development, including reference to the UN System. Students will have the opportunity to interact with human resources specialists and participate in an outreach session led by the United Nations Volunteers (UNV) programme, which might select students for individual meetings.
The selected students, in order to be awarded the final Master of Laws Degree worth 40 UPEACE credits (equivalent to 40 US credits/60 ECTS), need to:
a. receive passing marks in all the assessments and foreseen exams and
b. meet the minimum average of attendance by attending at least 2/3 of each weekly schedule and at least 75% of the total residential schedule over a two-month period.
Tuition Fees and exemptions
Tuition fees
Tuition fees amount to USD 13,000.
Please note that:
- Tuition fees do not cover additional expenses such as those related to VISA, travel, food, and accommodation.
- Tuition fees are non-refundable under any circumstances including rejection of VISA applications.
- The only event under which tuition fees will be refunded is the cancellation of the course by its organizers.
- Applicants receiving an offer for the 2025 – 2026 edition of the LL.M. cannot defer it to the following academic year.
Selected candidates will be notified of the results of the selection process within 7 working days of the submission of their application. They are then required to confirm their attendance within 3 days and finalize their payment within 10 days.
Wait-listed applicants will be given 2 days to accept the offer (from the date of the confirmation email) and 5 days to complete the payment. In light of the above, we strongly advise students to plan for the payment of the fees already at the time of the application. These deadlines cannot be postponed and payment in multiple instalments is not allowed.
Fee Exemptions
A limited number of fee exemptions may be available. Please indicate and motivate your request for a fee exemption in the application form. Candidates will be informed in the course of the selection process about the availability of such exemptions, which will be awarded only at the end of the selection process.
Cancellation Policy
UNICRI and UPEACE reserve the right to cancel the programme due to low enrolment or unforeseen circumstances. Participants will be notified by 29 September 2025 of any change in the programme. If the programme is cancelled by the organizers, tuition fees will be reimbursed to participants.
In case of cancellation, the organizers will not be liable for any loss, including travel and accommodation costs suffered by or on behalf of any person who wished to attend the course.
Study Visa and Practical Information
Study Visa
To enter Italy, all non-EU citizens must have a valid passport and Study Visa issued by the competent Italian Diplomatic Authorities in their country of nationality or residence. The Study Visa must be valid for the entire duration of the LL.M.
The LL.M. Office, upon selection and finalization of the payment, will issue an official Acceptance Letter that students may use to schedule an appointment at the local Italian Diplomatic Authority to obtain the study Visa.
Since this is a lengthy procedure, which may take approximately 60 days, we highly recommend non-EU applicants to gain detailed information on their countries' specific study visa requirements as soon they submit the LL.M. application.
Residence Permit
Non-EU citizens entering Italy with a Study Visa must apply for a residence permit ("Permesso di soggiorno") within 8 days of their arrival. Detailed information on the procedure and documents required for the Permesso di Soggiorno will be provided only to selected candidates upon acceptance and support will be provided to students upon their arrival in Turin.
Insurance and Health Care
When applying for a Study Visa before leaving your country, you may be required to provide evidence of your capability to cover all possible expenses related to medical assistance.
Detailed information on the procedure and documents required for the issuance of a health insurance will be provided to selected candidates upon acceptance.
Competent Italian Diplomatic Authorities abroad (Rappresentanze italiane all'estero)
To identify the competent Italian Diplomatic Authority responsible for processing all requests concerning the Study Visa in relation to the LL.M. please refer to the following link:
Useful Link: MAE About VISA
Useful Link: MIUR – Study Visa
Useful Links
UN Campus: |
City of Turin: |
Città di Torino: A City to Discover: Study in Piemonte: Torinoplus: Turismo Torino: |
Accommodation: |
The Faculty of the Master of Laws in Transnational Crime and Justice is composed by international academics, experts and practitioners.
UPEACE will contribute to the programme through its distinguished faculty members that, over the years, have included:
Juan Carlos Sainz-Borgo – Vice Rector of UPEACE; Former Associate Professor of International Law at the Central University of Venezuela in Caracas and Professor of Humanitarian International Law at the Universidad Sergio Arboleda in Bogota (Colombia); Former Fulbright Visiting Professor at the Washington College of Law at American University (USA); Former Jurist to the Regional Delegation of Venezuela and the Caribbean of the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC).
Mihir Kanade – Head of the Department of International Law and Human Rights at UPEACE and Director of the UPEACE Human Rights Centre; Member of the UN Human Rights Council’s Expert Mechanism on the Right to Development, Former lawyer in the Supreme Court of India and the Bombay High Court, focusing on issues of fundamental human rights violations; Adjunct faculty at Universidad Alfonso XI El Sabio (Spain), Long Island University (USA), and Universidad de Los Andes (Colombia).
Mariateresa Garrido - Assistant Professor in the Department of International Law at the University for Peace (UPEACE) and the Doctoral Program Coordinator
External Lecturers and Keynote speakers that have joined our Faculty over the years include:
Fatou Bensouda – Former Chief Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court (ICC) 2012-2021.
Adama Dieng – Former Special Adviser to the United Nations Secretary General on the Prevention of Genocide; Former Registrar for International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda (ICTR).
Alice Wairimu Nderitu - Special Adviser to the United Nations Secretary General on the Prevention of Genocide
Navi Pillay – Judge ad hoc on the International Court of Justice (ICJ); President of the Advisory Council of the Nuremberg Principles Academy (Nuremberg, Germany); President of The International Commission against the Death Penalty (ICDP); Former United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights; Former President of the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda (ICTR); Former Judge of the International Criminal Court (ICC).
Guido Acquaviva – Lecturer, Geneva Academy of International Humanitarian Law and Human Rights (Geneva, Switzerland); Deputy Registrar, Kosovo Specialist Chambers; Former Chef de Cabinet, Office of the President, Special Tribunal for Lebanon (STL); Former Legal Officer, International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia (ICTY).
Tamás Ádány – Associate Professor, Head of the Department of Public International Law, Pázmány Péter Catholic University (Budapest, Hungary).
Rosario Salvatore Aitala – Judge of the International Criminal Court (ICC).
Kai Ambos – Lecturer, Georg August Göttingen University (Göttingen, Germany); Judge, Kosovo Specialist Chambers; Advisor, (amicus curiae) Colombian Special Jurisdiction for Peace.
Elena Atzeni – RSD Associate, United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR).
Ghenadie Barba – Chief, Rule of Law Unit, Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE), Office for Democratic Institution and Human Rights.
Gabriele Baratto – Senior Researcher, eCrime, Faculty of Law and Institute of Safety and Security Sciences, University of Trento (Trento, Italy).
Stefano Betti – International Consultant; Former Senior Counsel (Illicit Trafficking), INTERPOL.
Adám Békés – Associate Professor, Department of Criminal Law, Criminal Procedural Law and Enforcement, Pázmány Péter Catholic University (Budapest, Hungary).
Chris Black – Legal Officer, Pre-trial Chamber, Special Tribunal for Lebanon (STL); Former Regional Legal Adviser, Red Cross International Committee (ICRC).
Abigail Bridgman – Member of California Bar and United States District Court of Northern California (USA); Former Assistant to Counsel at International Criminal Court (ICC).
Emiliano Buis – Professor of Ancient Greek (Department of Classics) and of International Law (Law School) at the University of Buenos Aires (Buenos Aires, Argentina).
Nicolò Bussolati – Criminal Lawyer; Consultant in Legal and Cyber Issues; International Criminal Law Specialist.
Paolo Campana – University Lecturer in Criminology and Complex Networks, Cambridge University (Cambridge, UK); Former Research Fellow at the Extra-Legal Governance Institute, Department of Sociology, University of Oxford (Oxford, UK); Former Fellow of Nuffield College, University of Oxford (Oxford, UK).
Salvatore Cannata – Case Analyst, Eurojust; Former Legal Officer, UN Counter-Terrorism Committee Executive Directorate.
Linda Carter – Distinguished Professor of Law Emerita, Mc George School of Law, University of Pacific (Sacramento, USA).
Stephanie Chaban – Regional Advisor on gender equality and women's empowerment, UN Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia (New York, USA).
Elena Dal Santo – Programme Management Officer, UNICRI
Mark Dietrich – Vice-President, East-West Management Institute (EWMI) (Geneva, Switzerland).
Andrea Di Nicola – Associate Professor of Criminology and Scientific Coordinator of eCrime, Faculty of Law, and Institute of Safety and Security Sciences, University of Trento (Trento, Italy).
Reinhold Gallmetzer – Appeals Counsel, Office of the Prosecutor, International Criminal Court (ICC).
Laura Guercio – Coordinator of the Universities Network for Promoting the Rights of Children in Armed Conflicts; Professor of Sociology, University of Perugia (Perugia, Italy); Secretary General at the Inter-Ministerial Committee for Human Rights at the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation (Rome, Italy).
Fabricio Guariglia – Director Prosecutions Division, International Criminal Court (ICC).
Nobuo Hayashi – Associate Senior Lecturer, Swedish Defence University (Stockholm, Sweden); Senior Legal Advisor, International Law and Policy Institute (Oslo, Norway); Visiting Professor on International Humanitarian Law and International Criminal Law, International University of Japan (Niigata, Japan).
Gary Hill (recently passed) - Member of the Board and Training Chair, International Corrections and Prisons Association (ICPA); Scientific Coordinator of the International Scientific and Professional Advisory Council, the United Nations Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice Programme Network (PNI); Chief Executive Officer, CEGA Services (Lincoln, USA) operating in Haiti, Rwanda and Kosovo.
Princess Inyang Okokon – Cultural Mediator; President of the PIAM NGO: Project for Integration and Welcoming of Immigrants (Asti, Italy).
John-Mark Iyi – Director, African Centre for Transnational Criminal Justice (ACTCJ), University of the Western Cape (Cape Town, South Africa).
Patricia Janega – International Trainer, Facilitator and Intercultural Expert, International Training Centre of the International Labour Organization (ILO); Intercultural Communications Trainer, Intercultures (Berlin, Germany).
Kristiina Kangaspunta – Former Chief of the Crime Research Section, United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNOCD); Former Deputy Director, United Nations Interregional Crime and Research Institute (UNICRI).
Greig Klein – Assistant Professor, Institute of Security and Global Affairs, Leiden University
Joanna Korner – Judge International Criminal Court (ICC), former Senior Legal Adviser to the Chief Prosecutor of Bosnia and Herzegovina
Theodore Leggett – Research Officer, Crime Research Section, United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC).
Nicola Lettieri – Alternate Judge in the Trial Chamber of the Special Tribunal for Lebanon (STL).
Carola Lingaas-Louwerse – Lecturer, University of Oslo, Law Faculty (Oslo, Norway).
Marco Lombardi – Lecturer and Director of the Sociology Department of the Catholic University of Sacro Cuore (Milan, Italy).
Marina Lostal Becerril – Senior Lecturer in Public International Law and Human Rights, University of Essex (Colchester, UK).
Vittoria Luda di Cortemiglia – Senior Project Manager, Sustainable Cycles Programme (SCYCLE) co-hosted by United Nations University (UNU) and United Nations Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR).
Antonio Giovanni Luzzi – Programme Management Officer, Implementation Support Section III, Terrorism Prevention Branch, Division for Treaty Affairs, United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC).
Paula Lynch – Associate Legal Officer, Defence Office, Special Tribunal for Lebanon (STL).
Elena Maculan – Postdoctoral researcher at UNED (Madrid, Spain); Visiting Research Fellow at the Max Planck Institute for the Study of Crime, Security and Law in Freiburg and University of Göttingen (Germany).
Nicolas Mansfield – Director of Legal Programs, East-West Management Institute (EWMI) (Geneva, Switzerland).
Francesco Marone – Assistant Professor of Political Science, University of Teramo, Italy; Associate Research Fellow, ISPI - Italian Inst. for International Political Studies
Lt. Col. Gianluca Mascherano – Military Researcher, Post-Conflict Operations Study Centre (PCOSC), Italian Army (Turin, Italy); Lecturer of Stabilization and Reconstruction Orientation Course, University of Turin (Turin, Italy).
Paolina Massidda – Principal Counsel, Office of Public Council for Victims (OPCV), International Criminal Court (ICC).
Col. Paolo Mazzuferi – Director the Post-Conflict Operations Study Centre (PCOSC), Italian Army (Turin, Italy).
Peter McCloskey – Former Senior Trial Attorney, Office of the Prosecutor, International Criminal Tribunal for Former Yugoslavia (ICTY).
John McManus - Senior Legal Officer, Commission for International Justice and Accountability (CIJA).
Deirdre Montgomery – Attorney at Law; Solicitor (England & Wales); Legal Officer at the Special Tribunal for Lebanon (STL).
Yasmin Naqvi – Legal Officer in Chambers at International Criminal Tribunals for the Former Yugoslavia (ICTY).
Wendy Ann O’Brien – Legal Officer, United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC); Associate Professor, Deakin University (Melbourne, Australia).
Marie O’Leary – Attorney-at-Law, Legal Adviser/Counsel, Office of Public Counsel for the Defence of the International Criminal Court (ICC-OPCD).
William O’Neill – UN Independent Expert on Human Rights in Haiti. Former Senior Advisor on Human Rights to the Special Representative of the Secretary-General at UN Mission in Kosovo. Former Chief of Mission at UN Human Rights Field Operation in Rwanda.
Francesca Paltenghi – Protection Associate, UNHCR
Niccoló Pons – Associate Legal Officer, Chambers of the Kosovo Specialist Chambers; Former Associate Legal Officer, Trial Chamber Extraordinary Chambers in the Court of Cambodia (ECCC); Former Associate Legal Officer, Pre-Trial Division, Chambers, International Criminal Court (ICC).
Ola Quarnstrom – Officer, Rule of Law Unit, Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE), Office for Democratic Institution and Human Rights.
Gregory Townsend – Former Chief of the Court Support Services Section, International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia (ICTY); Former Prosecutor, UN Mission to Kosovo; Former Head of Office, Special Court for Sierra Leone (STL).
Bakhtiyar Tuzmukhamedov – Member of the Committee Against Torture (CAT); Former Judge in the Appeals Chamber of the International Criminal Tribunals for the Former Yugoslavia (ICTY) and for Rwanda (ICTR).
Rod Rastan – Legal Advisor, Jurisdiction, Complementarity and Cooperation Division, Office of the Prosecutor, International Criminal Court (ICC).
Alice Riccardi – Senior Research Fellow in International Law, University of Roma Tre (Rome, Italy).
Jacopo Roberti di Sarsina – Member of the Legal Service (RELEX Team), European Commission.
Pubudu Sachitananadan – Trial Lawyer, International Criminal Court (ICC).
Ania Salinas Cerda – Legal Officer, International Criminal Court (ICC).
Carlotta Sami – Senior Regional Public Information Officer, Spokesperson at the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR).
James Shaw – Senior Legal Officer, UNICRI
Karine Simonsen – Officer, Rule of Law Unit, Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE), Office for Democratic Institution and Human Rights.
Davyth Stewart – Coordinator, Global Forestry Enforcement and Pollution Crime Unit, INTERPOL. James Stewart – Deputy Prosecutor, International Criminal Court (ICC).
Leif Villadsen – Acting Director, UNICRI
William Wiley – Executive Director, Commission for International Justice and Accountability (CIJA); Former International Legal Advisor, Iraqi High Tribunal; Former Human Rights Officer, UN Assistance Mission to Iraq; Former Investigator, International Criminal Court (ICC) and International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda (ICTR); Former Intelligence Analyst, International Tribunal for Former Yugoslavia (ICTY).
Entry Requirements
Applicants must meet the following requirements:
- Hold at least a 3-year university degree issued by an internationally recognized university in Law, Political Science, International Relations, Criminology, Social Sciences, or equivalent academic subjects.
- Full proficiency in written and spoken English. Please note that a good command of English is essential. During the course of the programme, students will be asked to actively engage in class activities, draft documents, analyze case files and legal documents, discuss practical scenarios and work in groups.
Although a certificate of English knowledge is not required, proficiency score ranges from the below internationally recognized certificates are suggested to be equal to or above the following:
International TOEFL |
IELTS (academic module): |
Cambridge Certificate of Proficiency in English: |
Cambridge Certificate in Advanced English: |
The programme’s coordination officers may arrange phone interviews to assess the linguistic competencies of candidates before the selection is finalized.
For additional information on the required documents to apply to the LL.M., please visit the relevant section.
Selection Process
All applicants will be evaluated and admitted based on the merits of their application, which will be assessed against the following criteria:
- Academic background and achievements
- Professional experience
- Professional training received
- Motivation letter
The organizers retain the possibility to hold an interview with applicants.
The selection process will be carried out on a rolling basis. Applicants will be notified on the results of the selection process via e-mail within 7 working days of submission of application.
If a candidate receives an offer for the current edition of the LL.M., such offer cannot be deferred. The same applies also if the candidates have finalized the payment of tuition fee.
How to Apply
Applicants will need to submit a duly completed application form (in MS Word format only) and send it, together with all the documents listed below, to the following email address:
- Motivation letter, a personal statement explaining why you are interested in this particular programme and outlining any relevant experience you have. The statement should be written in English and not exceed one page.
- Curriculum Vitae in English.
- Scanned copy of passport reproducing only the personal details and photo page(s).
- Official English certificate if available (see section on entry requirements and item number 10 of the application form).
- An official copy of the bachelor’s diploma in its original language issued by the competent University.
- An official certified translation of the above diploma into English if the original document(s) is issued in another language. *
- An official copy of the university transcript(s) of records of all the university studies completed or ongoing in the original language issued by the competent University. The official transcript of records must include the following information: full titles of all the courses completed throughout the degree; dates of completion of each course (or at the very least the overall time spent to complete the entire programme); grades obtained; credits awarded; and information on the grading scale.
- An official certified translation of the above transcript(s) of records into English if the original document(s) is issued in another language.
- Any other document that Italian Embassies may require in order to issue study visa. Once selected, you are kindly requested to ask for relevant information to the Italian Embassy.
Please download the Application Form below:
Please note that the submitted application is valid for the 2025 – 2026 edition of the LL.M. only. If you are not selected and wish to apply for the forthcoming edition of the same programme, you may submit a new application as soon as the new call for applications is open. UNICRI reserves the right to reject an application if the scanned documents are of such a quality that the documents cannot be read.
*The official certified translation of the university diploma(s) and transcript(s) of records are issued by the National Competent Authority of the country where the student has conducted his/her studies according to national regulations.
Frequently Asked Questions
Can I apply to a Ph.D programme after completing this LL.M?
Firstly, you should check the specific entry requirements of the Ph.D. programme that you intend to apply to. The LL.M. in Transnational Crime and Justice provides you with a legally recognized LL.M. diploma worth 40 credits equal to 40 UPEACE credits, equal to 40 US credits/60 ECTS.
What services will be available to students during the LL.M.?
Participants are granted access to specialized electronic resources to which UNICRI and UPEACE subscribe as members of the UN Library Network. Such databases provide full-text access to documents and offer a comprehensive coverage of key criminological journals, law reviews and other law-related documentation. Under regular circumstances, the UN Campus offers several facilities for daily living such as a bank, a post office, a laundry service, a canteen, a café and a first aid centre.
Sightseeing, cultural activities and trips are coordinated through the Participant Services of UN Campus and students may join these tours (costs may vary, and they are not included in the tuition fees). Students may also enjoy the sport facilities of the UN campus, which includes a football pitch, tennis courts and a gym.
Is it easy to find accommodation in Turin?
Useful links through which you may start looking at accommodation in Turin can be found in the relevant section (Useful links) and further information will be provided to selected applicants upon acceptance.
Finding accommodation depends on the specific needs of each student. Students who prefer to live closer to the central area of Turin (Centro, Quadrilatero Romano, San Salvario) should generally expect to find more expensive solutions, whilst accommodations in areas that are closer to the UN Campus are usually cheaper. You can expect to pay between € 350 and € 700 per month depending on the type of accommodation you choose (i.e. shared flat, single room, double room, studio, etc.) and on the area of town.
Public transport from the city centre to the Campus area can take approximately 30 minutes.
Accommodation is also available on the ITCILO campus upon confirmation of availability.