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Programme of Excellence

Find a name for our programme

Get involved: find a name for our Programme of Excellence

We are currently pioneering a Programme of Excellence, designed to help national policy makers utilize to the fullest extent all available international security governance tools. There is an extensive international toolkit at hand, waiting to be used. The Programme of Excellence aims to familiarize national policy makers with the tools available so that they become as handy and as accessible as a screwdriver is to a mechanic.

The core of the programe will be a virtual "game" which will enable the policy-makers to make and test their security decisions using all available international tools and institutions.

We are looking for a name to give to this programme, and we want you to help. The name could be from a story where a person faced new challenges, or learned to use the environment to overcome an obstacle. It can be a personal story or a famous story in history in any culture, any place at any time. The person who comes up with the name will be acknowledged in our programme.