Counter-Proliferation Finance Search Advanced search options Tags South East and Eastern Europe"Countering Criminal Enterprises, Illicit Financial Flows, and Corrupt Practices#MoreThanAGame1540 Compass2020202220233D printing9-December-2023A Prosecutor’s Guide to Chemical and Biological CrimesAdvanced educationAfghanistanAfricaAI for GoodAI for Safer ChildrenAI Toolkit for Law EnforcementAI-based toolAlternative measuresAnti-Corruption-DayArmeniaArt crimeARZ ExerciseAsean CommunityAsset RecoveryATLAS: Preventing non-state actors from planning and carrying out chemical weapons attacks Authentication TechnologiesAuthentication TechnologiesBeneath the Surface: Terrorist and Violent Extremist Use of the Dark Web and Cybercrime-as-a-ServiceBest practicesBiological Weapons ConventionBiosecurityBoard of Trustees,Building a Safer South-East Asia by Preventing and Responding to the Use of Chemical Weapons by Terrorists and Other non-state Actors in IndonesiaCambodiaCBRNCBRN AcademyCBRN DisinformationCBRN proliferation financingCBRN proliferation financing in Southeast AsiaCBRN risk mitigationCBRN waste managementCharter of the United NationsChemical and Biological TerrorismChemical weaponsChemical weapons attacksChemical, biological, radiological, and nuclear disinformation Civil confiscationCivil societyClass 2022Climate ChangeClimate change and violent extremismClimate insecurityClimate security policies gender-sensitiveCommission on Crime Prevention and Criminal JusticeCommission on Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice CCPCJCommission on the Status of Women CSW68CONConflictsCONTACTCONTACT CONTACT Black SeaCONTACT Central AsiaContact Southeast AsiaCONTACT Southeast Asia Regional CONTACT – Southeast AsiaCounter proliferation financingCounter-Proliferation Finance Countering Criminal Enterprises, Illicit Financial Flows, and Corrupt PracticesCountering organized crime and fighting all forms of trafficking and illicit financial flowsCountering violent extremismCOVID-19COVID-19 pandemicCrime prevention, justice, human rightsCultural goodsCultural HeritageCyber crimesCyber warfareDark WebData ProtectionDebunking false informationDefence SeminalDefence SeminarDisarmament DisinformationEAP RegionEastern EuropeEcosEmergency managementEmpowering communitiesEnvironmental conflicts and justiceEnvironmental Sustainability and Rehabilitation in PrisonsEU CBRN CoEEU Chemical, Biological, Radiological and Nuclear Centres of ExcellenceEUCBRNCoEfacial recognition technology ForgeryGaming and the metaverseGaming and violent extremismGender and securityGender discrimination and prevention of violent extremism in the SahelGender issues and violent extremismGeorgiaGlobal Hub AI for Safer ChildrenGlobal Sports ProgrammeGoalGoal 13Goal 16Goal 17Goal 4Goal 5Graduation,Green Prisons Research InitiativeGuide des procureurs pour les Crimes Chimiques et BiologiquesIllicit trafficking in cultural goodsIllicit trafficking of critical mineralsIllicit trafficking of green mineralIlligal Mining and TraffickingInnovative Technologies in Prisoner Rehabilitation Integration of gender perspectives in preventing violent extremismInter-agency coordinationInternational and regional cooperationInternational Criminal CourtInternational Criminal lawInternational Day of Innocent Children Victims of AggressionInternational Day Women and Girls in Scienceinternational lawInternational Network on BiotechnologyInterregional cooperationInvestigating and prosecuting chemical and biological crimesInvestigation, Prosecution, and Adjudication of CBRN CrimesJayantial M. Karia, Judicial authoritiesJustice reformLao PDRLatin AmericaLawLawyersLL.M in Transnational Crime and Justice LL.M,Lone AttackersMandela's RulesMaster of Laws in Transnational Crime and JusticeMaster of Laws LL.M. in Cybercrime, Cybersecurity and International Law Master of Laws,MetaverseMigrantMigrants and displaced peopleMisinformation Misinformation, Disinformation and Hate SpeechMoldovaMultilingualismNature Crime Nature Crime AllianceNuclear Analytical Techniques Nuclear analytical techniquesNuclear and Radiological ThreatsOnline child abuseOnline Drugs SalesOpen-source intelligence Penal ReformPerspective de genre dans les initiatives de prévention de l’extrémisme violentPhnom PenhPRECAPresident Board of Trustees,Preventing and countering disinformationPreventing and Countering Transnational Security Threats, Terrorism, and Points of NexusPreventing and countering violent extremismPreventing and Countering Violent Extremism and RadicalizationPreventing and Mitigating CBRN Proliferation Financing RisksPreventing Chemical and Biological TerrorismPreventing crime through the protection and empowerment of vulnerable groupsPreventing zoonotic diseasesPrévention des conflits et de l'atténuationPrison reforms Prisoner Rehabilitation through Innovative TechnologiePrivate Military CompaniesProfessional Training Proliferation of weapons of mass destruction WMDPromoting Responsible Use of New and Emerging Technologies to Address Crime and ExploitationPromoting Rule of Law and Safeguarding Access to JusticePropaganda Prosecution and investigation of chemical and biological crimesProsecutor's Guides to CBRN CrimesProsecutor’s Guide to Chemical and Biological CrimesProsecutor’s Guide to Radiological and Nuclear CrimesProtecting infrastructuresProtecting religious sitesRadiation and Nuclear SecurityRecovery and return of stolen assetsRegional and international cooperationReinforcing the rule of law in post-conflict countriesRenforcement des Capacités des Organisations de la Société CivileResolutionsResponse to CBRN incidentsRights of the ChildSafer ChildrenSahelSIRIOSocial mediaSoftware securitySpecialized Course on Cultural Heritage, Crime and SecuritySpecialized TrainingSport for the Prevention of Violent ExtremismSportsStrategic Programme FrameworkStrategic Programme Framework 2023-2026Stronger togethersummer course, illicit trade, how to apply, relevant informationSustainable Development GoalsTechnology and CBRNToolkit for Responsible Artificial Intelligence Innovation in Law Enforcement Toolkit on Effective CBRN Planning and Response for Policymakers and CBRN ManagersTourism securityTrafficking in personsTrafficking of radiological and nuclear materialTraining,Ttraining for Law EnforcementUkraineUN Campus TurinUN DayUN Day 2024UN Global Counter-Terrorism Coordination Compact Committee UN Security Council Resolution 1540UnemploymentUnited Nations 2030 AgendaUnited Nations Global Sports ProgrammeUnited nations Security Council Resolution 1540Uniting-Against-CorruptionUnmanned aircraft systems threatUNSCR 1540 e-journalUrban securityUzbekistanViolent extremists, pandemic, youthVulnerable Youths, ECOSOC, COVID-19 pandemicVunerable youthWater SaferyWest AfricaWomen empowermentWomen in chemistryWomen, peace and securityWorld Children's DayWorld Day for the Prevention of and Healing from Child Sexual Exploitation, Abuse and Violence.Youth resilience Руководство для прокуроров по преступлениям, связанным с применением химического и биологического оружияدليل المدعي العام لجرائم الكيمياء والأحياء المجرمة2007Academic communityAction-Oriented ResearchArtificial intelligence (AI)PeacebuildingRehabilitation and reintegration strategiesThreat ResponseTransnational organised crimeViolence against women2008AdvocacyAugmented and virtual realityClinical managementCommunity resilienceLaw enforcement agenciesPeacekeepingSecurity threatsTrafficking of stolen assetsViolent extremist ideology2009Awareness-raisingBig data analyticsCrimeInternational organizationsPost-conflict countriesSecurity GovernanceTax evasionVictimizationViolent extremism2009BlockchainCapacity-buildingCrime controlMarginalized communitiesOrganised crimePost-conflict recoverySafety and security plansSocial exclusionVictims of terrorism2010ConventionsCrime preventionData scienceMoney launderingRestorative justiceRisk factorsRisk MitigationThe nexus between transnational organized crime and terrorismUnited Nations secretariat2011Criminal justiceDigital biology and biotechEvaluation and impact analysisMigrant smugglingNational action plansReducing vulnerabilitiesTerrorismYouth2012Field activitiesGovernanceHate speech and hate crimesIllicit trafficking of precious metalsMajor events securityMisuse of advances in technologyReturning foreign terrorist fightersWomen2013Gender-sensitive approachesGuidelinesHuman rightsIllicit trafficking of gemstonesLocal ownershipNanotechRadicalizationVulnerable groups2014Cyber securityEducationIllicit financial flowsInternational cooperationKnowledge-sharingNetworks and computing systemsVictims of crimeYouth resilience to violent extremism2015Crowded spaces and vulnerable targets protectionDrug addictionHuman traffickingJusticePartnerships and NetworkingPreventing and countering radicalizationRoboticsUnited Nations agencies2016Chemical, biological, radiological and nuclear (CBRN) materialDiscriminationDrugs traffickingJuvenile JusticeJuvenile justice and violent extremismMember StatesPlanning modelScience2017BiotechnologyEnvironmental crimeJuvenile JusticeKnowledge managementPublic informationState institutionsTechnology2018Counter-terrorism strategiesCounterfeitingLaw enforcementRapid SupportScientific communitySupply chain security2019CommunitiesCorruptionLegal and investigative responsesRegional organizationsTrainingArms traffickingLegal economyPrivate sectorViolent extremist offendersDiversion programsMulti-stakeholder cooperationPolicy-makersNGOsPartnershipsMinorsMultimediaPeacePeace and justicePeaceful and inclusive societiesPolicy developmentRisk assessmentRule of lawSafetySecuritySustainable developmentTransnational security threatsUN 2030 AgendaYouth empowermentPublicationsPartnersEmpowerment of Vulnerable GroupsIllicit Trafficking and Financial FlowsForeign fightersRule of Law in Post-Conflict CountriesSecurity through Research, Technology and InnovationThreat Response and Risk Mitigation: Security GovernanceToolsYear UNICRI’s Global CBRN Counter-Proliferation Finance and Sanctions Evasion Programme Astana, Kazakhstan - Friday, January 31, 2025 Counter-Proliferation Finance Chemical, biological, radiological and nuclear (CBRN) materialThreat Response and Risk Mitigation: Security Governance
Counter-Proliferation Finance Chemical, biological, radiological and nuclear (CBRN) material Threat Response and Risk Mitigation: Security Governance Read more about UNICRI’s Global CBRN Counter-Proliferation Finance and Sanctions Evasion ProgrammeLog in to post comments