Palermo University premises, Faculty of Social Sciences,
“Collegio San Rocco”, Via Maqueda 324
Organized by OIM, Aiccre, University of Palermo and UNICRI
Thursday 21st May 2009
Premises: Collegio San Rocco, Via Maqueda, 324
Working languages: Italian and English with simultaneous translation services
h. 9.00 Registration of participants
h. 9.30 Welcoming statement
- Mr. Diego Cammarata, Mayor of Palermo
- Mr. Ennio Cardona, Vice Chancellor of the University of Palermo
- Mr. Giuseppe Silvestri, Member of the Board of the European University Association and President of the Italian-Libyan University Foundation
- Mr. Peter Schatzer, Director, Regional Office for the Mediterranean and Chief of Mission in Italy and Malta, International Organization for Migration (IOM)
Moderator and conclusions:
Mr. Giusto Sciacchitano, National Anti-mafia Prosecutor, National Antimafia Directorate, ItalyIntroductory speeches:
- Mr. Mario De Ioris, Vice-president Interdepartmental Commission on Trafficking, Ministry of Equal Opportunities, Italy
- Mr. Antonello Miranda, dean of the faculty of Political Sciences, University of Palermo
- Mr. Alessandro Calvani, Director of the United Nations Interregional Crime Research Institute (UNICRI), Turin, Italy
h. 11.15 Coffee Break
h. 11.30 From the Ad Hoc Committee “Traveaux préparatoires” to the Trafficking Protocol
- Mr. James Puleo, representative of United States Government at the Ad Hoc Committee meetings
- Ms. Nerea Bilbatua, Regional Programme Officer for Europe, Global Alliance Against Trafficking in Women (GAATW)
- Ms. Marilyn La Tona, Head of Delegation of Vienna International Alliance of Women to the UN
h. 12.15 Challenges in the implementation of international instruments: the concept of legal culture
- Mr. David Nelken, Professor of “Legal institutions and Social Change”, University of Macerata, Italy
- Mr. John Davies, FRSA, Visiting Research Fellow Sussex Centre for Migration Research, UK
- Ms. Flora Bouclon, Program Legal Officer - Human Rights, Cross Cutting Programs, International Development Law Organization (IDLO)
- Mr. Ryszard Piotrowicz, Professor of Law at the University of Wales, Aberystwyth
Open debate
h. 13.30 Lunch Break
h. 15.00 Introduction
- Vincenzo Guarrasi, Dean of the faculty of Philosophy, University of Palermo
- Pietro Corrao, Director of the Department for Historical and Artistic Studies, University of Palermo
The Way Ahead – improving the Palermo Protocol implementation over the next 10 years
Moderator and conclusions:
Ms. Tana de Zulueta, expert on trafficking in persons, Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE)
Key-note speeches
The role of International Organizations in the Palermo Protocol implementation
- Mr. Richard Danziger, Head of the Counter-trafficking Unit (IOM(, Geneva
- Ms. Diana-Florentina Tudorache, Group of Experts on Action against Trafficking in Human Beings (GRETA), Council of Europe
- Ms. Riika Puttonen, Head of Counter-Trafficking Unit, United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) Vienna
- Ms. Vittoria Luda di Cortemiglia, Focal Point on Trafficking in Persons (UNICRI), Turin, Italy
- Mr. Artini Paolo, Representative of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), Italy
h. 17.45 Presentation of John Davies’s book “My name is not Natasha”
Friday 22 May 2009
Premises: Great Hall of the University, Palazzo Steri, Marina Square
h. 9.30 Experiences, challenges and future perspectives in the Protocol implementation in the Mediterranean Area
Moderator and conclusions: Ms. Teresa Albano Counter-trafficking Focal Point, International Organization for Migration (IOM), Rome
- Ms. Elisabetta Rosi, Judge and Legal Assistant to the Italian Constitutional Court, former member of the ad hoc European Commission Group of Experts on Trafficking, Rome
- Mr. Roger Plant, Head, Special Action Program to Combat Forced Labor, ILO Geneva
h. 11.00 Coffee break
h. 11.15 Evaluation of the last 10 years of the Protocol and Recommendations for the 2010 anniversary of the Palermo Conference
Moderator and conclusions: Mr. Richard Danziger, Head of the Counter-trafficking Unit, IOM Geneva
- Ms. Mariana Katzarova, Adviser on Trafficking, Office of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, Office for the High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR)
- Baerbel Heide Uhl, Boltzmann Institute of Human Rights, Vienna; currently as Resident Twinning Advisor in Bucharest; Chair of the EU Experts Group to Combat Trafficking in Human Beings.
- Ms. Maria Grazia Giammarinaro, Judge, National Expert at the European Commission Commission, Responsible for the Fight against Trafficking in Human Beings, Brussels
- Mr. Roberto Di Giovan Paolo, Senator of the Italian Republic, Secretary General, AICCRE
h. 12.30 Closing statements:
- Roberto Lagalla, Chancellor of the Palermo University