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Navy Pillay

Opening Ceremony of the thirteen edition of the Master of Laws (LL.M.) in Transnational Crime and Justice


On Monday 3 February at 3 p.m. at the United Nations Campus in Turin, high level representatives of the local and international community and students will attend the Opening Ceremony of the thirteen edition of the Master of Laws (LL.M.) in Transnational Crime and Justice.

This unique training implemented by the United Nations Interregional Crime and Justice Research Institute (UNICRI) in cooperation with the University for Peace (UPEACE) envisages the participation of 50 students coming from 18 different countries that will be attending lessons at UNICRI for the next 5 months.

The event will be a unique opportunity to meet with Judge Navi Pillay. Ms. Pillay is Judge ad hoc on the International Court of Justice (in Gambia v. Myanmar), President of the Advisory Council of the Nuremberg Principles Academy, President of the International Commission against the Death Penalty. Judge Pillay is a former United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (2008 – 2014), former President of the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda and former Judge of the International Criminal Court (2003-2008). She was the first women judge and President of the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda (1995-2003) where she ruled for the first time that sexual violence in conflict was a crime against humanity. In 1995 Ms. Pillay was appointed by President Nelson Mandela as a judge at the High Court of South Africa. She was the first black woman and first attorney to serve in this position.

The Ceremony will include the key-note speech “Lessons learned and future challenges in addressing atrocity crimes and human rights violation”, by Judge Navi Pillay. Among the other high level representatives taking part in the Ceremony: Leif Villadsen, Deputy Director, UNICRI; Professor Mihir Kanade, Professor, Director of the Human Rights Centre, UPEACE; Roberto Rivello, Judge, Secretary General Turin Court of Appeal; Mr. Stefano Castellani, Turin Prosecutor’s Office and Anti-Mafia Bureau; Ms. Elena Rocci, Judge, Tribunal of Turin; Colonel Andrea Monti, Director of the Post Conflict Operations Study Centre, Italian Army; and Councillor Claudio Strata, Attorney-at-Law, Member of the Turin Bar Council.

About the Master of Laws in Transnational Crime and Justice

The LL.M., running from November 2019 to July 2020, addresses the topical issues and the main priorities of the international community, focusing on issues related to peace and conflicts. This special training will allow participants to specialize in the fields of humanitarian law, international criminal law, international human rights law, international law dimensions of peace and conflicts, transnational crimes and transitional justice.

The LL.M sets as its core objective the education and training of new generations on core issues related to justice and peace that, beyond a highly specialized knowledge and expertise, require above all a comprehensive vision of international scenarios and the capacity to address and cope with today’s major challenges.

This excellence programme includes in its faculty internationally renowned experts from the academia and practitioners from international organisations, international tribunals and the UN System. Capacity-building and specialized training are UNICRI's core business and cut across its programme of work on various thematic areas with the aim of creating and testing new and holistic approaches to prevent crime and promote justice, human rights and development.