UNICRI Liaison Office in Rome

UNICRI Liaison Office in Rome
In 2000, while UNICRI HQs moved to Turin, a Memorandum of Understanding was signed with the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and FAO to keep a UNICRI Liaison Office in Rome.
The UNICRI Liaison Office in Rome became operational from 1 May 2000. Since January 2004, following an agreement with the UN Department of Public Information and the Italian Government, the UNICRI Liaison Office in Rome also backstops the Brussels-based UN Regional Information Centre for Europe (UNRIC).
The UNICRI Liaison Office promotes UN objectives and activities at national level, in constant coordination with Brussels. To this end, the Office supports UNRIC in the relations with public and private institutions, the civil society and the media.
The UNICRI Rome Office is open to the public for the consultation of UN documents and information materials, including most recent releases.
The Liaison Office also closely collaborates with SIOI (Italian U.N. Association) in the organization of events, seminars and press conferences.