Funded by the EU
Within the framework of the European Union Chemical, Biological, Radiological and Nuclear Centres of Excellence Risk Mitigation Initiative (EU CBRN CoE), the Regional Secretariat for North Africa and the Sahel has been opened today in Algiers by the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Mr. Ramtane Lamamra and the Minister of the Interior and Local Government, Mr. Noureddine Bedoui.
The ceremony was attended by Mr. Marek Skolil, Head of the EU Delegation in Algeria; Ms. Cristina Amaral, Resident Coordinator of the United Nations System in Algeria; Ms. Cindy Smith, Director of the United Nations Interregional Crime and Justice Research Institute (UNICRI); Mr. Adriaan van der Meer, Head of Section at DG DEVCO of the European Commission; Mr. Bruno Dupré, Representative of the European Union External Action Service and Mr. Tahar Melizi, Director of the Algerian National Delegation for Major Risks. The event was also attended by the Ambassadors of the partner countries of the Regional Secretariat, namely Burkina Faso, Libya, Morocco, Niger and Tunisia, and by the Ambassadors of Mali, Mauritania and Chad, as well as by higher officials of the Algerian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Ministry of the Interior.
The event is a part of a worldwide Initiative funded by the European Union and implemented by the European Commission’s Joint Research Centre (JRC) and the United Nations Interregional Crime and Justice Research Institute (UNICRI). The European External Action Service is also involved in the follow-up of the initiative. The initiative is developed with the technical support of relevant international and regional organisations, the EU Member States and other stakeholders, through coherent and effective policy, cooperation and preparedness at the national, regional and international level.
The Initiative aims to mitigate CBRN risks of criminal (proliferation, theft, sabotage and illicit trafficking), accidental (industrial catastrophes, waste treatment and transport) or natural (pandemics but also the consequence of natural hazards) origin. These risks are addressed through a comprehensive approach covering legal, scientific, enforcement and technical issues, and by increasing local ownership, local expertise and long-term sustainability. This includes sharing good practices and capabilities, developing guidelines as well as identifying, collecting, analysing and deploying resources to respond to the needs identified by partner countries.
The Regional Secretariat for North Africa and the Sahel Region of the CBRN Centres of Excellence Initiative is hosted in Algiers under the authority of the Ministry of the Interior and Local Government at the National Delegation for Major Risks. The Head of Secretariat is Mrs. Kheira Bradai and the current partner countries of the Regional Secretariat are Algeria, Burkina Faso, Libya, Morocco, Niger and Tunisia.
The Initiative started in 2010 and involves 53 countries (of which 24 are in Africa) in 8 different regions of the world. Each of the 8 Secretariats operates within the respective region to promote close cooperation and coordination amongst the partner countries and to facilitate the implementation of projects. Several specific projects have been already implemented in the region and a new regional project on CBRN border security is being developed.
For more information:
- CBRN Centres of Excellence website:
- European Commission, Instrument contributing to Stability and Peace website (see section about "Stable Situations"):