UNICRI is pleased to announce a call for contributions for the fourth issue of the 1540 Compass, scheduled for publication in late April 2025. The 1540 Compass is an e-journal dedicated to advancing the objectives, awareness, and implementation of United Nations Security Council resolution 1540 (2004) (UNSCR 1540) and its successor resolutions.
The journal aims to be a trusted source of knowledge, analysis, and dialogue for countering the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction (WMDs) and their means of delivery by non-State actors.
The fourth issue will explore the theme “UNSCR 1540 and Technologies: Challenges and Opportunities”. This theme focuses on the intersection of critical technologies and the objectives of UNSCR 1540, highlighting how advancements can both bolster and challenge efforts to prevent the proliferation of WMDs and their means of delivery by non-State actors.
Topics of Interest
We welcome contributions that address the following themes, though submissions are not limited to these topics:
- Best practices for leveraging technology to enhance the security of WMD-related components and materials;
- Opportunities and solutions offered by critical and emerging technologies;
- Cybersecurity challenges and opportunities related to the implementation of UNSCR 1540;
- Risks and challenges posed by digital financial assets in WMD proliferation;
- Advances in detection, monitoring, and verification technologies to prevent the unauthorized use or transfer of sensitive materials;
- The intersection of artificial intelligence with WMDs;
- Case studies of technology partnerships between governments and industry, or academia in support of UNSCR 1540 objectives;
- Innovative policy approaches to address technology-driven risks associated with WMD proliferation.
Submission Guidelines
We warmly invite representatives of Member States, private sector representatives, researchers, policymakers, and professionals involved in CBRN security to contribute articles, opinion pieces, interviews, case studies, letters, and news updates. Submissions of event notifications related to UNSCR 1540 implementation are also welcome.
Articles, opinion pieces, case studies, etc.: Submissions should not exceed 1,500 words and should focus on sharing best practices, innovative strategies, challenges, and policy recommendations. Each article submission should include an abstract (no more than 200 words), an author biography (no more than 100 words), and an author photo. These items do not count towards the total word count.
Letters-to-the-Editor: Letters should not exceed 750 words and can provide commentary or discussion points on previous issues or recent developments of interest.
Event notifications and news items: These items should not exceed 150 words and must relate to UNSCR 1540-related events, trainings, workshops, or other relevant activities.
Contributions should adhere to the journal’s style, formatting, and citation guidelines indicated in the UN Editorial Manual, available here: https://www.un.org/dgacm/en/content/editorial-manual.
To ensure a diverse range of contributors, UNICRI will accept contributions in any of the six UN languages (Arabic, Chinese, English, French, Russian, Spanish). Contributors give their permission for UNICRI to translate the content into English for publication in the 1540 Compass.
Interested contributors are invited to send their contributions to UNICRI-1540compass@un.org. For inclusion in the next issue, please send contributions no later than 7 March 2025.