Note by the Secretary-General
The report of the Board of Trustees of the United Nations Interregional Crime and Justice Research Institute was prepared pursuant to a decision of the Board taken at its meeting held on 14 to 15 December 2015 to report to the Economic and Social Council, through the Commission on Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice, and it contains information on the work of and the results achieved by the Institute, in accordance with the statute of the Institute (Council resolution 1989/56, annex).
Structure of the Report
The Report of the Board of Trustees summarizes the work completed during 2015 by UNICRI that has led to the implementation of improved policies. The work of UNICRI, presented in this report, in addition to an introduction and a concluding section on the management of UNICRI, is organized in the following four thematic areas:
1. Security governance and counter-terrorism;
2. Crime and justice;
3. Training and advanced education;
4. Knowledge collection, exchange and dissemination.