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New Specialized Training on Global Threats to Justice, Peace and Security

Specialized training

The second edition of the specialized training on global threats to justice, peace and security which UNICRI launched in 2017, will take place from 16 October to 15 December 2017. The training combines the various areas of expertise developed by the Institute over the almost 50 years of its operation in the field of crime prevention and criminal justice.

This intensive course examines the evolution of crime and security threats and the international instruments and legal frameworks to prevent and counter old and new phenomena affecting countries all around the world.

Participants will acquire in-depth knowledge of the theoretical and practical aspects related to the international instruments for the prevention and punishment of transnational crimes and human rights violations.

In line with UNICRI's current areas of work, the course focuses on emerging trends and security issues deriving from globalization. In particular, the course addresses threats associated with technological advances and related complex issues that require a high level of specialization and a multidisciplinary approach combining different perspectives and sectors.

UNICRI plays a leading role in specific and important niche areas and supports the work of other international organizations through its specialized and advanced services.

Lecturers are renowned experts in crime prevention and justice related issues, members of the academia and policy makers, law enforcement officers, prosecutors, judges, and other justice personnel from national, regional and international organizations at the forefront of the fight against threats to justice, peace, development and stability.

The specialized training promotes transfer of good practices and enhances networking with leading academic institutions, national, regional and international organizations, and research centres.

With this new specialized training programme, UNICRI aims to build the capabilities of post graduate students and professionals in different areas. The Institute intends to develop expert competencies and leadership in the field of justice, crime prevention, human rights protection and development.

The training will empower a new generation of professionals able to address critical issues through substantive knowledge and innovative thinking. It will contribute to strengthening the rule of law and promote change through the development of human capital.

Capacity-building and specialized training are UNICRI's core business and cut across its programme of work on various thematic areas with the aim of creating and testing new and holistic approaches to prevent crime and promote justice, human rights protection and development.


The following topics will be addressed during the course:

  • Transnational organized crime (16 - 20 October 2017)
  • Corruption, money-laundering and asset recovery (23 - 27 October 2017)
  • Trafficking in persons and smuggling of migrants (30 October - 3 November 2017)
  • Environmental crimes (6 - 10 November 2017)
  • Counter-terrorism (13-17 November 2017)
  • CBRN Threats including Weapons of Mass Destruction (20 - 24 November 2017)
  • Cybercrime, cybersecurity and cyberterrorism (27 November - 1 December 2017)
  • Emerging technologies and security (4 - 8 December 2017)
  • Study visits and preparation of an article to be published on UNICRI's Magazine (11 - 16 December 2017)

Classes: 8 hrs per day with an additional 1hr lunch break. Participants must attend all lessons and practical sessions during the training programme to qualify for the Certificate of Participation from UNICRI.

Entry requirements and application

The course is designed for university graduates in Law, Criminology, Political Science, International Relations, Economics, Social Science, Public Policy and other relevant disciplines. It is also suited to professionals working in governmental institutions, local authorities, international and non-governmental organizations, and wishing to specialize in the topics addressed by the course.

Candidates must have a very good working knowledge of English.

Deadline for application to each module is 10 days before the course takes place.

Deadline for application to the entire nine-week specialized training is 27 August 2017. Late applications may be considered at the discretion of UNICRI.



United Nations Campus in Turin (Italy), Viale Maestri del Lavoro 10. Due to limited space, classes may be held in a variety of buildings in Turin.

Certificate of participation

Upon completion of the course, participants will receive UNICRI certificate of participation to the specialized training. Those attending one or more modules will receive the certificates related to the specific topics addressed.


For additional information:

Email: (please indicate the title of the course in the subject of the email) Tel: (+39) 011 6537157.