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Unicri Series

115. United Nations Interregional Crime and Justice Research Institute (UNICRI), Migrant Flower Sellers in the City of Turin, UNICRI, Turin, 2017. [Full Text]

114. United Nations Interregional Crime and Justice Research Institute (UNICRI), Strengthening the Security and Integrity of the Precious Metals Supply Chain, UNICRI, Turin, 2016. [Full Text]

113. United Nations Interregional Crime and Justice Research Institute (UNICRI), Children and Counter-Terrorism, UNICRI, Turin, 2016. [Full Text]

112. United Nations Interregional Crime and Justice Research Institute (UNICRI), Ensuring Supply Chain Security: The role of anti-counterfeiting technologies, UNICRI, Turin, 2016. [Full Text]

111. United Nations Interregional Crime and Justice Research Institute (UNICRI), Organized Crime and the Legal Economy: The Italian Case, UNICRI, Turin, 2016. [Full Text]

110. United Nations Interregional Crime and Justice Research Institute (UNICRI), Illicit Pesticides, Organized Crime and Supply Chain Integrity, UNICRI, Turin, 2016. [Full Text]

109. United Nations Interregional Crime and Justice Research Institute (UNICRI), Guidelines for IT Security in SMEs, UNICRI, Turin, 2015. [Full Text]

108. nited Nations Interregional Crime and Justice Research Institute (UNICRI), The Impacts of the Crisis on Gender Equality and Women's Wellbeing in EU Mediterranean Countries, UNICRI, Turin, 2015. [Full Text]

107. United Nations Interregional Crime and Justice Research Institute (UNICRI), Promoting a gender responsive approach to addiction, UNICRI, Turin, 2015. [Full Text]

106. United Nations Interregional Crime and Justice Research Institute (UNICRI), Voci contro il Crimine a Napoli, UNICRI, Turin, 2014. [Full Text]

105. United Nations Interregional Crime and Justice Research Institute (UNICRI), The European House of Major Events Security: a User Guide for Police Security Planners and Policy Makers, UNICRI, Turin, 2014.[Full Text]

104. United Nations Interregional Crime and Justice Research Institute (UNICRI), Business Action to Stop Counterfeiting and Piracy (BASCAP) , Confiscation of the Proceeds of IP Crime: A modern tool for deterring counterfeiting and piracy, UNICRI, Turin, 2013. [Full Text]

103. United Nations Interregional Crime and Justice Research Institute (UNICRI), Security Implications of Synthetic Biology and Nanobiotechnology: a Risk and Response Assessment of Advances in Biotechnology, UNICRI, Turin, 2012. [Full Text]

102. United Nations Interregional Crime and Justice Research Institute (UNICRI), Association of Defence Counsel Practising before the ICTY(ADC-ICTY), OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights (OSCE ODIR), Manual on International Criminal Defence: ADC-ICTY Developed Practices within the framework of the War Crimes Justice Project, UNICRI, Turin, 2011. [Full Text]

101. United Nations Interregional Crime and Justice Research Institute (UNICRI), EU-SEC II: Foundations of the European House of Major Events Security: A Manual for the International Coordination of Major Events Security Research in Europe, UNICRI, Turin, 2011.

100. United Nations Interregional Crime and Justice Research Institute (UNICRI), Bibliography 2010 UNICRI, Turin, 2010. [Full Text]

99. United Nations Interregional Crime and Justice Research Institute (UNICRI), New Energy for Urban Security: Improving Urban Security Through Green Environmental Design, UNICRI, Turin, 2010.

98. United Nations Interregional Crime and Justice Research Institute (UNICRI), Strategies for Technical-Juridical Training and Awareness-Raising on Counterfeiting, UNICRI - Emerging Crime Emerging Policies Series, Turin, 2010.

97. United Nations Interregional Crime and Justice Research Institute (UNICRI) Trafficking of Nigerian Girls in Italy. The Data, the Stories, the Social Services, UNICRI, Turin, 2010. [Full Text]

96. United Nations Interregional Crime and Justice Research Institute (UNICRI) Bibliography 2009, UNICRI, Turin, 2009. [Full Text]

95. Kristiina Kangaspunta, Ineke Haen Marshall Eco-crime and Justice: Essays on Environmental Crime, UNICRI - Emerging Crime Emerging Policies Series, Turin, 2009.
[Full Text]

94. United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC), United Nations Interregional Crime and Justice Research Institute (UNICRI) Technical Guide to the United Nations Convention against Corruption, NewYork, 2009. [Full Text]

93. United Nations Interregional Crime and Justice Research Institute (UNICRI) Manual Teórico e Prático para Operadores Sociais no Âmbito do Julgado de Menores, Turin, 2009.

92. Patrizia Bonanzinga, The Other Kids = L'altra infanzia = A Outra Infância, UNICRI, Turin, 2009.

91. ICTY Manual on Developed Practices, UNICRI, Turin, 2009. [Full Text]

90. United Nations Interregional Crime and Justice Research Institute (UNICRI) Biomedical Research in Developing Countries: the Promotion of Ethics, Human Rights and Justice, UNICRI, Turin, 2009.

88. Giovanni Torrente Punishment and Recidivism: The Italian Case, UNICRI, Turin, 2009.

87. United Nations Interregional Crime and Justice Research Institute (UNICRI) A World Directory of Criminological Institutes and of Crime and Justice Institutions (7th Edition), UNICRI, Turin, 2009.

89. United Nations Interregional Crime and Justice Research Institute (UNICRI) Penal Reform and Prison Overcrowding, UNICRI, Turin, 2009.   [Full Text]

United Nations Interregional Crime and Justice Research Institute (UNICRI) Catalogue of Publications UNICRI, Turin, 2009.   [Full Text]

United Nations Interregional Crime and Justice Research Institute (UNICRI) Un ritratto della vittimizzazione nella città di Bari, UNICRI, Turin, 2009.
[Full Text]

86. United Nations Interregional Crime and Justice Research Institute (UNICRI) Bibliography 2008 - Issue 2 UNICRI, Turin, 2008.

85. United Nations Interregional Crime and Justice Research Institute (UNICRI) EU SEC - Toward a European House of Security at Major Events - Best Practices for Research Coordination, UNICRI, Turin, 2008.

84. M. Do Carmo Medina, Lei Do Julgado de Menores e Código de Processo do Julgado de Menores: Anotados, 2nd Edição - Revista e Actualizada, UNICRI, Luanda, 2008.

83. United Nations Interregional Crime and Justice Research Institute (UNICRI) Bibliography 2008 - Issue 1 UNICRI, Turin, 2008.   [Full Text]

[Full Text English version (not available)- Full Text Albanian version]

81. United Nations Interregional Crime and Justice Research Institute (UNICRI) Eliminating Violence Against Women: Forms, Strategies and Tools UNICRI, Turin, 2008.   [Full Text]

United Nations Interregional Crime and Justice Research Institute (UNICRI) Catalogue of Publications UNICRI, Turin, 2008.   [Full Text]

80. United Nations Interregional Crime and Justice Research Institute (UNICRI) Bibliography 2007 UNICRI, Turin, 2008.   [Full Text]

79. United Nations Interregional Crime and Justice Research Institute (UNICRI); University of Florence Law School. Department of Comparative and Criminal Law; Institute of Comparative Law of Belgrade, The Fight Against Organised Crime in Serbia: From the Existing Legislation to a Comprehensive Reform Proposal, UNICRI, Turin, 2008 - also available in Serbian.
[Download English version - Download Serbian version]

78. UNICRI. Anti-Human Trafficking and Emerging Crimes Unit, Counterfeiting: a Global Spread a Global Threat, UNICRI, Turin, 2007 (includes CD-Rom).

77. Eveline R. Hertzberger, Counter-Terrorism Intelligence Cooperation in the European Union, UNICRI, Turin, 2007.

76. IPO Security Planning Model, UNICRI, Turin, 2007.

75. La Cooperaciòn Internacional en contra de la Corrupciòn y el Delito Organizado Transnacional: Balance y Perspectivas, UNICRI, Turin, 2007.

74. Training Manual on Trafficking in Human Beings (THB) in Peace Support Operations (PSOs), UNICRI, Turin, 2006.

73. International Terrorism and Governmental Structures, UNICRI, Turin, 2005.   [Full Text]

72. F. Marelli, Illicit Trafficking and Criminal Use of CBRN Materials and Weapons: an Analysis of the New Members of the European Union and their Neighbouring Countries, UNICRI, Turin, 2005.

71. Security during Major Events: Toolkit for Policymakers and Security Planners, UNICRI, Turin, 2005.

70. C.E.E. Okojie & F. Prina (eds.), Trafficking of Nigerian Girls to Italy = Traffico delle Ragazze Nigeriane in Italia, UNICRI, Turin, 2004.

69. Strategic Plan of the Police of the Republic of Mozambique: Results of Surveys on Victimization and Police Performance, UNICRI, Turin, 2003

68. Anti-Trafficking in Human Beings to and within Peace Support Operations Areas. Building up Knowledge and Strategies for Awareness and Training: Training Manual, UNICRI, Turin, 2004.


A. Alvazzi Del Frate & J. Van Kesteren (eds.), Criminal Victimisation in Urban Europe: Key Findings of the 2000 International Crime Victim Surveys, UNICRI, Turin, 2004.

67. M. Do Carmo Medina, Lei Do Julgado de Menores e Código de Processo do Julgado de Menores: Anotados, UNICRI, Luanda, 2004.

66. F. Cappe', International Terrorism Prevention Strategies, UNICRI, Turin, 2003.

65. United Nations Convention against Transnational Organized Crime: Requirements for Effective Implementation: Symposium (Turin, 22-23 February 2002): Proceedings, UNICRI, Turin, 2002.

64. Técnicas de Investigaçao Ciêntifica e Actividade Judiciária para o Combate a Corrupçao: Manual para Magistrados e Agentes da Polícia Judiciária, UNICRI, Turin, 2002.


UNICRI Publication Series


63. A. Alvazzi del Frate & G. Pasqua (eds.)
Responding to the Challenges of Corruption. Acts of the International Conference (Milan, 19-20 November 1999). UNICRI publication No 63, Rome/Milan, 2000
- 370p. - US$ 45.00 - more info -

62. O. Hatalak, A. Alvazzi del Frate & U. Zvekic (eds.)
The International Crime Victim Survey in countries in transition: National Reports. Unicri publication No 62, Rome 2000.
- 600p. - US$ 60.00 - more info -

61. U. Zvekic
Criminal victimization in countries in transition. UNICRI publication No. 61, Rome 1998.
- 70p. - US$ 20.00 - more info -

60. J.F. Klaus
Handbook on probation services: Guidelines for probation practitioners and managers. UNICRI publication No 60. Rome, 1998.
- 190p. - US$ 45.00 - full text

59. A. Patrignani & R. Villè (eds.)
Rromani youths: The pathways of juvenile justice. UNICRI publication series No 59. Rome, 1998.
- 180p. - US$ 40.00 - more info - summary in English and in Rromani

58. R. Villè, U. Zvekic & J. F. Klaus (eds.)
Promoting probation internationally. UNICRI publication No 58. Rome, 1998.
- 250p. - US$ 40.00 - full text

57. A. Alvazzi del Frate.
Victims of crime in the developing world. UNICRI publication No 57. Rome, 1998.
- 170p. - US$ 30.00 - more info 

56. G. Heine, M. Prabhu & A. Alvazzi del Frate (eds.)
Environmental Protection at National and International Levels: Potentials and Limits of Criminal Justice. Max Planck Institut für ausländisches und internationales Strafrecht (copub.) UNICRI publication No 56, Rome 1997
- 530p. - US$ 29.00  =out of print=

55. U. Zvekic & A. Alvazzi del Frate (eds.)
Criminal victimisation in the developing world. UNICRI publication No 55. Rome 1995
- 434p. - US$ 40.00 - more info =out of print=

54. C. Masotti Santoro (ed.)
A world directory of criminological institutes (6th edition). UNICRI publication No 54, 1995
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53. U. Zvekic, L. Wang & R. Scherpenzeel (eds.)
Development and policy use of criminal justice information. UNICRI publication No 53, 1995
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52. M. Alexeyeva & A. Patrignani (eds.)
Crime and crime prevention in Moscow. UNICRI publication No 52, 1994
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51. U. Leone (ed.)
International Criminology. UNICRI publication No 51, Rome 1993
- 670p. - US$ 45.00
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50. A. Alvazzi del Frate & J. Norberry (eds.)
Environmental crime, sanctioning strategies and sustainable development. Unicri publication No 50, Rome 1993.
- 420p. - summary =out of print=

49. A. Alvazzi del Frate, U. Zvekic & J. M. van Dijk (eds.)
Understanding crime: Experiences of crime and crime control. UNICRI publication No 49, Rome 1993
- 420p. - full text =out of print=

48. A. Manna, R.Kurosawa & K. Hamai (eds.)
Pathways to the management of mentally-ill offenders in the criminal justice system. UNICRI publication No 48, 1993
=out of print=

47. T. Mushanga (ed.)
Criminology in Africa. UNICRI publication No 47, 1992

46. U. Zvekic (ed.)
Development and crime: An exploratory study in Yugoslavia. UNICRI publication No 46, 1992
=out of print=

45. G. Longo, U. Leone & M. Bonomo (eds.)
Justicia y desarrollo democrático en Italia y América Latina. UNICRI publication No 45, 1992
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44. F. Bruno (ed.)
Cocaine today: Its effects on the individual and society. UNICRI publication No 44, 1991
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43. F. Bruno (ed.)
Prevention compendium. 2 Vols. UNICRI publication No 43, 1991
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42. E. García Méndez, M. del Carmen Bianchi (eds.)
Ser ni�o en América Latina. De las necesidades a los derechos. UNICRI publication No 42, 1991
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41. F. Bruno, M.E.Andreotti & M. Brunetti (eds.)
Toward a scientifically based prevention. UNICRI publication No 41, 1990
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40. E. García Méndez, E.Carranza (eds.)
Infancia y control penal en América Latina. UNICRI publication No 40, 1990
=out of print=

39. Diritti umani ed istruzione penale. Corso di formazione sulle tecniche di istruzione ed investigazione , Castelgandolfo, Italy, 11-22 September 1989. UNICRI publication No 39, 1990
=out of print=

38. V.N.Kudriazev (ed.)
Soviet criminology update. UNICRI publication No 38, 1990
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36. U. Zvekic (ed.)
Essays on crime and development. UNICRI publication No 36, 1990
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35. C. Masotti Santoro (ed.)
A world directory of criminological institutes (5th edition). UNICRI publication No 35, 1990
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33. L. Aniyar de Castro (ed.)
La criminologica en América Latina. UNICRI publication No 33, 1990
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32. The death penalty: A bibliographical research. UNICRI publication No 32, 1988
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31. M. Findlay & U. Zvekic
Analysing (in) formal mechanisms of crime control: A cross-cultural perspective. UNICRI publication No 31, 1988
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30. D. Cotic
Drugs and punishment. UNICRI publication No 30, 1988
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29. U. Zvekic & A. Mattei
Research and international co-operation in criminal justice: Survey on needs and priorities of developing countries. UNICRI publication No 29, 1987
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28. C. Masotti Santoro (ed.)
A world directory of criminological institutes (4th edition). UNICRI publication No 28, 1986
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27. U. Zvekic (ed.)
Action-oriented research on youth crime: An international perspective. UNICRI publication No 27, 1986
=out of print=

26. First joint international conference on research in crime prevention, Riyadh, 23-25 January 1984. UNICRI publication No 26, 1984
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25. P.David (ed.)
Crime and criminal policy: Papers in honour of Manuel López-Rey. UNICRI publication No 25, 1985
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24. The role of the judge in contemporary society. UNICRI publication No 24, 1984
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23. I.F.Caramazza & U. Leone
The phenomenology of kidnappings in Sardinia. UNICRI publication No 23, 1984
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22. Juvenile social maladjustment and human rights in the context of development. UNICRI publication No 22, 1984
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21. F. Bruno
Combating drug abuse. UNICRI publication No 21, 1984
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20. A world directory of criminological institutes (3rd Edition). UNICRI publication No 20, 1982
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19. J.J. Moore & L.Bozzetti
Research on drug policy. UNICRI publication No 19, 1979
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18. S.K.Mukherjee & A.Gupta
Delay in the administration of criminal justice: India. UNICRI publication No 18, 1978
=out of print=

17. A world directory of criminological institutes (2nd Edition). UNICRI publication No 17, 1978
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16. J.J. Moore
Investigating drug abuse: A multinational programme of pilot studies into a non-medical use of drugs. UNICRI publication No 16, 1976
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15. Economic crises and crime: Correlations between the state of the economy, deviance and the control of deviance. UNICRI publication No 15, 1976
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14. Prison architecture: An international survey of representative closed institutions and analysis of current trends in prison design. UNICRI publication No 14, 1974
=out of print=

13. The protection of the artistic and archaeological heritage: A view from Italy and India. UNICRI publication No 13, 1976
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12. Juvenile justice: An international survey, country reports, related materials and suggestions for future research. UNICRI publication No 12, 1976
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11. Evaluation research in criminal justice: Material and proceedings of a research conference convened in the context of the Fifth United Nations Congress for the Prevention of Crime and the Treatment of Offenders. UNICRI publication No 11, 1976
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10. Criminological research and decision-making: Studies on the influence of criminological research on criminal policy in The Netherlands and Finland. UNICRI publication No 10, 1974
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9. Economic crisis and crime: Interim report and materials. UNICRI publication No 9, 1974
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8. Recent contributions to Soviet criminology. UNICRI publication No 8, 1974
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7. B. Kasme (ed.)
A world directory of criminological institutes (1st Edition). UNICRI publication No 7, 1974
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6. A programme for drug use research: report of the proceedings of a workshop at Frascati, Italy, 11-15 December 1972. UNICRI publication No 6, 1973
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5. Migration: Report of the research conference on migration, ethnic minority status and social adaptation, Rome, 13-16 June 1972. UNICRI publication No 5, 1973
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4. A.Bouhdiba
Public et justice: Une étude pilote en Tunisie. UNICRI publication No 4, 1971
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3. Social defence in Uganda: A survey of research. UNICRI publication No 3, 1971
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2. F.Ferracuti & M. C. Giannini
Manpower and training in the field of social defence. Personnel et formation professionelle dans le domaine de la défense sociale Mano de obra y capacitación en el campo de la defensa social. UNICRI publication No 2, 1970
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1. F.Ferracuti & R. Bergalli
Tendencias y necesidades de la investigación criminologica en América Latina. UNICRI publication No 1, 1969
=out of print=[Full Text]