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Special Editions

R. Chiesa, S. Ducci, S. Ciappi, Profiling Hackers: The Science of Criminal Profiling as Applied to the World of Hacking, CRC Press, 2008

Institute of Criminology and Social Prevention (IKSP), United Nations Interregional Crime and Justice Research Institute (UNICRI) & United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC), Trafficking in Women. The Czech Republic Perspective, IKSP, Prague, 2004.

A. Alvazzi Del Frate, O. Hatalak, U. Zvekic, Surveying Crime: a Global Perspective Proceedings of the international conference - Rome, Nov. 1998, ISTAT/UNICRI, Rome, Italy, 2000

K. Hamai, R. Ville, R. Harris, M. Hough, U. Zvekic (eds), Probation round the world: A comparative study, Routledge, London, U.K, 1995

R. Ville (comp.), Changements sociaux, criminalité et victimisation en Tunisie, Order from Institut National du Travail et de Etudes Sociales, Tunis, Tunisia, 1995

U. Zvekic (ed.), Alternatives to imprisonment in comparative perspective, Nelson-Hall Publishers, Chicago, Illinois, USA, 1994

U. Zvekic, A. Alvazzi del Frate (eds.), Alternatives to imprisonment in comparative perspective: Bibliography, Nelson-Hall Publishers, Chicago, Illinois, USA, 1994

M. Findlay, U. Zvekic, Alternative policing styles: Cross-cultural perspectives, Kluwer, Law and Taxation Publisher, Deventer, The Netherlands, 1993

U.Leone, A. Patrignani, Human rights and crime prevention, On sale from Foundation for International Studies, Valletta, Malta, 1993