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8. Other events and activities

A joint UNICRI/NAPTIP video reportage was created in order to raise visibility on the achievements of the Programme and on the excellent work carried out in Nigeria thanks to the commitment of all stakeholders, namely NAPTIP, ENCATIP and the civil society and the international and Italian counterparts. The reportage was registered and produced by Ms. Dania Cossa accompanied by a professional cameraman Mr. Ogbonna, under the supervision of Mr. Arinze Orakwue, Head of NAPTIP’s Press and Public Relations. The reportage was finished in November 2009 and was presented at the final conference in April 2010. The reportage was disseminated at national, regional and international level by UNICRI and NAPTIP, and is downloadable from the UNICRI website.

During the conducted seminars, in order to gain more visibility for the programme and to attract attention of possible sponsors, UNICRI has distributed a booklet on awareness raising campaigns and women empowerment envisaged activities.

UNICRI planned a final conference for the conclusion of the project which was held in Rome at the end of April 2010. The conference aims to highlight the activities of the programme and the best practises achieved.

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