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Deadline for applications: 20 October 2017



Trafficking in persons and smuggling of migrants affect many countries around the world and represent a global concern. In the countries of origin, the number of conflicts and their ramifications are forcing people to leave their homes, and the scale and pace of illegal migration are facilitating these movements. In countries of destination, fear and reduced confidence in economic and security systems are generating sentiments of prejudice and racism against migrants and refugees.

The growing threat of violent extremism linked to the two connected realities is alarming. These two issues, while differing in some respects, entail the exploitation of individuals and the violation of their basic rights in all stages. Victims of trafficking and smuggled migrants are inter alia denied the right to participate in the social and economic development. Like any other commodity, organized crime groups displace refugees and migrants where the weak or absent rule of law system or limited resources make border control extremely challenging, for example in those Sub-Saharan African countries with long and porous borders. Consequently, the same routes are used for illicit trafficking activities.

It has been widely acknowledged that the main root-causes of trafficking in persons are poverty, illiteracy and lack of economic perspectives. Even though such problems can only be eliminated through a long-term strategy in the field of economic and human development at the national level, a focused small-scale intervention targeting priority areas and integrating institutional capacity building, social prevention and victim rehabilitation components may still result in a significant reduction in its magnitude. A good practice of international cooperation could be, for example, supporting development in countries of origin as an alternative to the creation of detention centres to stop migrants and carrying out aid projects compliant with transparency and inclusiveness criteria, where sustainability is the key goal. Local populations, involved in international cooperation activities would benefit from the natural resources in their home countries and take advantage of progress of technology in a more effective way. Improving preparedness and resiliency to natural disasters is equally fundamental.

In both the origin and destination countries, enhanced legal frameworks regulating migration for economic reasons and addressing trafficking in persons and the risks of smuggling of migrants might not leave space for the commitment of such crimes any longer. Much more should be done to stop organized crime and terrorist groups from taking advantage of people’s vulnerabilities to raise the funds for their operations.


The course will provide participants with a deeper understanding of the trafficking in persons and the smuggling of migrants phenomena. Participants will become acquainted with the trends and movements related to trafficking and smuggling; the international and regional legal frameworks to prevent the phenomena by dismantling criminals groups and support victims.

The following issues will be featured during the course:

  • Migration and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) Migration: global trends and human rights perspective
  • Migration movements: crime-related challenges
  • Trafficking in persons: overview of the phenomenon at global level
  • Legal instruments at international level to prevent and counter smuggling of migrants and trafficking in persons Investigating and prosecuting trafficking in persons
  • Smuggling of migrants: overview of the phenomenon and involvement of organized crime
  • Support to victims: the role of civil society organizations
  • Child migration and unaccompanied minors and separated children (UAMSC)
  • Labour exploitation and domestic servitude
  • Support to victims of smuggling and trafficking (an NGO perspective)

The lecturers are law enforcement officers, prosecutors, judges, and other practitioners from national, regional and international organizations dealing with the phenomenon. The training module will promote transfer of good practices and enhance networking with leading academic institutions, national, regional and international organizations, and research centres.

Course information

The course is held from 30 October to 3 November 2017 at the United Nations Campus in Turin, Italy. It is designed for university graduates in Law, Political Science, International Relations, Economics, Social Science, Public Policy and other relevant disciplines. The course is also suited to professionals working in governmental institutions, local authorities, international and non-governmental organizations.

Candidates must have a very good working knowledge of English. Upon full completion of the course the UNICRI will grant a Certificate of Participation.