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Combating global threats

Managing knowledge of the vicious cycle of capital, crimes and conflicts

Turin, June 5th 2008. The United Nations Interregional Crime and Justice Research Institute (UNICRI), is to hold an International Seminar aimed at improving management of knowledge of the interconnections between capital, crime, and conflicts. The Seminar will take place on the 16th of June at 5pm in Castello del Valentino, Turin.

The Seminar will see the participation of Mauro Falesiedi, a member of the Financial Crime Group at EUROPOL, Rico Carisch, Former UN Financial Inspector in the Democratic Republic of Congo/Sierra Leone and Loretta Napoleoni, author of 'Rogue Economics'. Lucia Goracci, correspondent for Italian television channel RAI 3, will moderate.

The Seminar will facilitate a deeper understanding of the complex relationships between capital, crimes and conflict. These three components are mutually reinforcing, and create a vicious circle which adds to the daily suffering of millions of people across the globe.

Conflict is interwoven with organised crime which manages arms trafficking, contraband of petroleum, diamonds, precious metals, trafficking of drugs and of human beings. War leaves in its wake, death, devastation, and an enormous quantity of arms. These arms, according to some estimates, cause a 25 percent rise in homicides in the 5 years following the end of a conflict. Half of civil wars that are resolved with a peace agreement are transformed into a new conflict within 5 years. Events of war, organised crime and terrorism interact and perpetuate the spiral of human tragedy.

Analysis of the complex interlinkages between capital crimes and conflicts can enable the international community to approach the problems with a clear understanding and crucially develop a clear path to counteracting these.

According to the Director of UNICRI, Sandro Calvani ‘It is necessary to develop a stable and effective international system of security, based on an integrated analysis of the relations between capital, crimes and conflict.
The vulnerability of a single country in controlling its borders and the influx of illicit capital can become the Achilles heal for the whole international community. In this context the management of global security must be a shared international responsibility.’