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The United Nations and the Ministry of Justice of Mozambique for the Project “Strengthening Juvenile Justice in Mozambique: Consolidation Phase”

Opening of the Community Education Centre “Pfuka Dzixile” in Hulene

Maputo -

The United Nations and the Ministry of Justice of Mozambique for the Project

"Strengthening Juvenile Justice in Mozambique: Consolidation Phase"

Within the framework of the project "Strengthening Juvenile Justice in Mozambique: Consolidation Phase", the United Nations Interregional Crime and Justice Research Institute - UNICRI - in partnership with the Ministry of Justice of Mozambique and the support of the Belgian Cooperation and the Danish Embassy, will open the Community Education Centre ‘Pfuka Dzixile' in the neighborhood of Hulene (Maputo) on Monday the 25th of July 2011 at 2.30 p.m..
The UNICRI programme, "Strengthening Juvenile Justice in Mozambique" that started in 2005 with the aim of improving the living conditions of Mozambican juvenilejuveniles at risk or in conflict with the law, is now at its consolidation phase. The Education Centre "Pfuka Dzixile" is part of this broad programme and will develop educational and recreational activities addressed to children in conflict with the law and at risk who have been identified by the psychologists and social workers of the Information Point of Hulene B for a correct rehabilitation and reinsertion in the community. UNICRI, with the collaboration of the Mozambican NGO Cooperativa Social Tsembeka, is already carrying out prevention and information activities for the protection of juveniles of the neighborhood of Hulene B.
The Education Centre will play a central role in the reintegration of children within their community. Tutors and psychologists will constantly support them to avoid re-falling in situations of risk.
Within the programme other important activities will be developed in the following months such as: the opening of new Information Points in the neighborhoods of Mafalala and Maxaquene. Children and their families will receive support and information on their responsibilities and rights and educational and recreational activities for a proper rehabilitation will be implemented. Moreover, the programme includes the drafting of the Regulation of the Observation and Juvenile Rehabilitation Centre of Chiango, the creation of an inter-ministerial database, the setting up of ad hoc reception places in line with the rights of juveniles and managed by the Ministry of Interior, and the development of education modules for school trainings etc.
The opening ceremony of the Centre "Pfuka Dzixile" will be attended by authorities including: H. E. the Vice-Minister of Justice, the UN Resident Coordinator, the Head of Danish Cooperation, the Head of Belgian Cooperation, UNICRI Programme Coordinator, representatives of the Supreme Court and the Head of the Juvenile Court as well as representatives of various Ministries (Ministry of Justice, Ministry of Interior, Ministry of Women and Social Affairs, Ministry of Education, Ministry of Labor,). The Director and Governor of the City will also attend as well as other local authorities such as the administrator of district and secretaries of various neighborhoods. The ceremony will be attended also by the other representatives of the UN Family, national and international NGOs as well as the local community.

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The United Nations Interregional Crime and Justice Research Institute (UNICRI) was established in 1968. The Institute carries out research, training and implements technical cooperation programmes. It aims to assist governments and the international community at large, in tackling the threats that crime poses to social peace, development and political stability, and in fostering the development of just and efficient criminal justice systems.
UNICRI supports: the formulation and implementation of improved policies in the field of crime prevention and criminal justice; the promotion of national self-reliance; and, the development of institutional capabilities. The Institute works to advance the understanding of crime-related problems, supporting the respect for international instruments and standards. It facilitates the exchange and dissemination of information, cooperation in international law enforcement and judicial assistance.
The Institute's current priorities include activities related to: organized crime, judicial reform, juvenile justice, security and counter-terrorism, major event security, international criminal law, corruption, human trafficking, victim protection, counterfeiting, cybercrime, crimes against the environment, and drug abuse.