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Cybercrime, Cybersecurity and Cyberterrorism (27 November - 1 December 2017)

Deadline for applications: 17 November 2017


The advances in information technologies and modern society’s dependence on digital infrastructure have generated new threats and challenges to be addressed. Cyber warfare, terrorist use of the internet, cyber espionage, online crimes against property and persons embody growing transnational menaces to civil society in a hyper-connected world. Conversely, governments’ responses to counter cyber threats and to safeguard national security through the internet are triggering an ethical debate: are security measures putting freedom of expression in danger? With advancements in technology and wider accessibility to the Internet, the global community is now faced with a new platform in which criminal activity can take place. Cyber criminals are attacking societies and economies targeting governments through their vital services, like critical infrastructures (transportation, water supply, hospitals), and companies, big multinationals as well as small medium enterprises.


Over the course participants will become acquainted with the latest developments in cyber threats, countering cyber crime measures, internet governance and privacy issues. The training module will cover the evolution of the concepts of cybercrime and cyber security, exploring the challenges judiciary and law enforcement are facing in prosecuting and investigating cybercrime, with the advent of dark nets and crypto currencies. Phenomena like cyberwarfare and cyberterrorism will be analyzed, as well as terrorist use of the internet and attacks against critical infrastructures. When discussing about cyber security adequate space will be given to public private partnerships and the military role in securing cyberspace.

During the training course, strategies to counter cybercrime and to ensuring security on the Internet will be examined with a special focus on the human rights and civil liberties dimension of current and future policies. Participants will have also a chance to acquire the tools for an active personal digital defence during a dedicated session.

The following issues will be addressed during the course:

  • Cybercrime, cybersecurity and cyberterrorism
  • Cybercrime: concepts and evolution
  • Cybersecurity: history and development
  • Terrorist use of the Internet
  • Cyberterrorism and cyberwarfare
  • Fighting against cybercrime
  • Protection from cyber threats and public private partnerships
  • Civil liberties vs national security interests to counter cyber threats
  • Active personal digital defense

The lecturers are eminent scientists from nationally and internationally recognized academic and research institutions, as well as practitioners from international organizations dealing with cyber threats, cyber security and internet governance. Participants will meet high-level cyber security experts, as well as practitioners from regional and international organizations in this field, expanding their professional network in a select, international environment.

Course information

The course will be held from 27 November to 1 December 2017 at the United Nations Campus in Turin, Italy. The course is designed for university graduates in Law, Political Science, International Relations, Economics, Social Science, Public Policy and other relevant disciplines. It is also suited to professionals working in governmental institutions, local authorities, international and non-governmental organizations. Candidates must have a very good working knowledge of English. Upon full completion of the course the UNICRI will grant a Certificate of Participation.